Stress-less Student Blog

How do I make an informed choice?
What's on My Mind When I describe myself as an Academic Life Coach, often times I tell people that I help others to make informed choices, but not always to decide for them (although there is a time and a place for that as well). This is an important distinction:...
The Muse of the Impending Deadline
Do you wait for the Muse of the Impending Deadline to inspire you? So many of my students tell me that they will write the essay or start the project when they are inspired. I think I watched a TED Talk in which a woman was describing a poet who would suddenly get...
Do you have trouble asking for help?
Dear Readers, As I read my students’ report card narratives and comments from teachers a lot of the feedback that I see them getting, are “come see me in office hours!” “Ask for help!” But asking for help isn’t as always easy or straight forward as it seems. It does...
One more step for a rockin semester!
Hey All! Here is another step to add to Rockin Your Semester! How to find tasks on your calendar. How to find a subtask on your calendar. Links: how to use tasks in google calendar. how to import a canvas calendar into google calendar...
No, no and no!
So...If you are anything like me (or many of my students) when something new is introduced the first words that come to mind are NO! This is totally normal. New is hard. Staring at a blank page for an essay is hard. Learning to use a calendar is hard. Math is...
One Small Step
Hi All! So hopefully you wrote down your goal, and if not, don't worry about it! In this video I share with you how to take one small step to turn your goal into a reality! Watch here to find out what it is: