by | | Academic Coaching, Executive Functioning
How do you make sure that you are getting done what you have to get done WELL, and in a TIMELY and STRESSLESS manner? Accountability, of course! Watch this video for three quick tips of how to use an accountability partner… [youtube...
by | | Academic Coaching, Executive Functioning, yoga
Do you find yourself second guessing yourself after you’ve finished a test, project, or presentation…or sometimes maybe even obsessing about it? Watch this video for a tip on how to reflect after you’ve finished. How do you reflect? Let me know...
by | | Academic Coaching, ADD, Executive Functioning, teaching, yoga
Argh!! The finals are coming! Are you prepared? Watch this video to learn the first very simple step in preparing for finals. For more tips on studying or questions about academic coaching feel free to leave a question in the comments below or contact...
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