Stress-less Student Blog

Tasks, Timers, and To-Do Lists…Oh my!
Is your version of a To-Do List to write an essay, do your science project, and study for that math test? Watch this video to learn how to break down each assignment into smaller chunks, make a to-do list that's, doable, and use a timer that allows you...
Are you overwhelmed by finals?
Argh!! The finals are coming! Are you prepared? Watch this video to learn the first very simple step in preparing for finals. For more tips on studying or questions about academic coaching feel free to leave a question in the comments below or contact me!...
Do you know what self-advocacy is? you practice it? In this video, you'll learn how one student self-advocates AND practices learning new information! By the way..I'm curious to know about your experiences with self-advocacy in school...
How do I know if I'm STUCK?
Do you find yourself ready to get started and then every five minutes checking your phone? Changing your music playlist? or my go-to...opening and closing the refrigerator door? Watch this video about being stuck...and getting unstuck! Leave your comments below......
The Lazy Perfectionist
I think an acupuncturist described me as such when I was in college after telling her about myself. I don't know if I'd call myself a lazy perfectionist anymore. I think perhaps I'm lazy (can you relate?) but have developed habits that urgently push me out of bed in...
The Big "Why?"
It's here...or almost here...SCHOOL! What's the answer to your Big WHY? Post your comments below... [wpvideo vu1Mp3qA]