Stress-less Student Blog

Five Tips For Distance Learning
Dear All, I hope that you are having a healthy, safe and somewhat relaxing summer. For parents and students: I appreciate the added on difficulties of both parenting and learning in a pandemic. Hopefully there has been a moment this summer to catch your breath and...
Do I have to replicate the school day for me or for my kiddos? (psst…no!)
I know that many schools are starting online classes and some schools are giving students work to complete on their own. Regardless, Jessica Finnigan and I would love to help you design a calendar so that parents can get their work done, kiddos can get their work done...
Does Studying for a Math Test Overwhelm You…Part #2
M So last week...we discussed how to study for a math test to make sure you know you know the information. This week, I want to give you another technique that I also suggested to my student in studying for a math test. First,...
How do I stay awake to finish my homework?
So many of my students are so exhausted and stressed out when they come home from school..they take a nap and then find themselves up late again finishing their homework. Is that you as well? are In this video I show you a few very short, simple exercises to do before...
Wondering how to study for finals [and other tests]?
Wondering how to prepare for finals? I was working with a student who said that he had so much homework he didn't have time to study. I get it. It's hard, as a student, when you are so used to be given a structure [homework] and then have to find your own structure...
How to Make Sure to Follow Through…
How do you make sure that you are getting done what you have to get done WELL, and in a TIMELY and STRESSLESS manner? Accountability, of course! Watch this video for three quick tips of how to use an accountability partner... [youtube...