Stress-less Student Blog

Lessons Learned this semester
Happy Holidays, Everyone! I hope that you all get some well-deserved rest. I just finished my first trimester of graduate school for a degree in clinical psychology. It has been fascinating and I now can tell you as a student what lessons I've learned from listening...
Reading Hacks!
Do you ever start reading a text and then find yourself reading the same sentence again and again? Or do you get to the end of the page and find that you have no idea what you read but you have been wondering what you’re going to have for dinner? Maybe you think, I’ll...
Easy Calendaring!
Calendaring is definitely important that beyond using google classroom students are using a calendar-type system to track assignments. This gets many groans, of course. The reason that this is so important is that while google classroom tracks when assignments are...
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I hope that you all had a lovely break and had some time to rest. I certainly did! And oo begins the New Year and with that resolutions to become the best student, teacher, parent, child, brother, sister one can be. I have been wanting to write on the...
Forgive Yourself
I happened to turn on the radio the other day (yes I still listen to the radio)and a recording of an interview with Ann Pratchett at SF City Lectures was being replayed. While she talked about many aspects of her writing, the part that resonated with me the most,...
Are you a perfectionist?
Do you put a lot of effort into your assignments, but then wonder why you get so little done? You are probably hyperfocusing. I was working with a student the other day who told me, “I sit down to do work at 10:00am and then by midnight I’ve only completed 20 or 30%...