Dream On…

Make all your dreams come true! know, it sounds so woohoo…and so appropriate for this time of year ;). BUT, science does show that writing down your goals helps you to achieve them…and achieve them faster. Watch the video to learn more. Make your dreams...

Back to School Blues?

Dear All, Happy New Year! appy New Year! And…I know it’s tough sometimes to go back to a new/old routine. I feel ya! Watch the video for some tips on how to deal with the Back-to-School-Blues. Do you have trouble with transitions? What are some ways that...

Happy Winter Break!

Happy Winter Break! I know that everyone’s circumstances are different, but I do hope that you get a few moments of rest and relaxation. In my video below I mention a couple of (simple) things you might do this week (that don’t involve school work!) to get yourself...