While I am great at keeping appointments with other people, I am not always so great at keeping appointments with myself. I love the idea of a schedule! I love the idea of routine and am great at following one when someone else puts one out for me…but when I am managing my own time, and I try to actually try to sit down and follow my own schedule I get the squirmies and sometimes downright resistant…and yet, I know that routine is helpful for me (and for you too). I know that it relieves anxiety and that consistency is a huge part of building a skill.

If you can relate to this at all, the following video may help. Watch for the techniques I use to help with the squirmies.

By the way, in this video I mention “thinking time” and “manager time.” Paul Graham originated this idea that I talk about in last week’s post.

If you would like more tips and tools or to find out if coaching is right for you please schedule your complimentary Destressify Yourself Session here.

Wishing you a wonderful day and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!


Sarah Weidman