Wondering how to prepare for finals? I was working with a student who said that he had so much homework he didn’t have time to study. I get it. It’s hard, as a student, when you  are so used to be given a structure [homework] and then have to find your own structure for studying! Watch this video for tips on preparing for finals (and other tests). Then,comment below on how you are taking small active steps to make sure that you are prepared for test day!
Want to make sure that you stay in action? The accountability group may be perfect for you; a facilitated group for 9th and 10th graders in which students hold each other accountable for actions they want to complete throughout the week.
Contact me for more information! Also, I still have room in my Summer and Fall practice! I tend to fill up in October when students are already falling behind. Let’s talk about how we can put organizational and time management systems into place before the school year for a STRESSLESS beginning of the year.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GX2No-x43PY&w=560&h=315]