Dear All,

First, Happy Belated Mother’s Day to all the mothers the aunties, teachers, grandmothers, guardians, and all of you  that have had a hand in helping to raise a child. Thank you!

Second, while it is usually just me on the videos reflecting what I see in working with teens,I thought for a change it would be nice to actually hear from one :).

I am super impressed with this teen as she is a graduating eighth grader and would go back to school in a heartbeat…but since she can’t right now she talks about how she and her family are making the best of this time.

In the video below she reflects on screentime…citing the realities, well, for many of us: 

Screen Reflection

In this next video, she talks about how she and her sister have made use of their time…
What to do in Quarantine
Home made mac n’ cheese
I’d love to hear from you! Please send a pic or brief reflection on any of the questions below (along with what grade you’re in: middle school, high school, college, grad school?):
What have you been doing during quarantine? 
What has been hard or…maybe easy?
Anything else you want to tell me.
I continue to offer Virtual Office Hours (Monday-Friday 12pm-1pm Pacific Time) Open to students who would like to work in community or have a brief question. You can come and go anytime between 12-1pm.

Feeeling stuck? Worried about being *behind* this summer?  Would you like some more tools and tips for distance learning?  Sign up here for a complimentary Destressify Yourself Session.
If I can be of service in any other way, please feel free to reach out! 
Wishing you a stress-less week! Warmly,