What does a dance party have to do with homework? You’ll see in less than a minute…
But first, do you struggle with starting your homework and then getting distracted?
Or by staring at your screen and worrying about homework while the minutes [and maybe hours] idle away?
Sooo…how do you actually get a break while still getting your homework done?
And if staring at a screen is not really rest , then…what is a break?
Rest is anything that gives the brain a break from the task at hand, but allows it to be rejuvenated so that one can easily go back to the task at hand.
Perhaps..energizer might be a better word.

Depending on what state I’m in (tired and drowsy, lethargic, don’t feel like doing anything) or anxious and hyper depends on the type of rest that I might take. It also depends on how much time I have. Here are some ways that I rest for rejuvenation. If I have 15-20 minutes:
- Brisk run or walk (I run for 7.5 minutes one way and then back 7.5 minutes. You can also do this with a walk).
- Sretching. I exercise a lot and often times my legs are tired. I also sit a lot and like everyone am guilty of typing…so any kind of stretch for my wrist (try kneeling on the ground and then putting your hands on the floor-your fingertips pointing towards your knees-and/or, stretching one finger at a time using the other hand.
- Lying on the floor with my legs against the wall or on a couch.
- Watercolors. This works for me because I do not consider myself to be *good* at art which helps my brain relax and just go with the flow.
If I have 5 minutes:
- Washing the dishes.
- Stepping outside.
- A smaller stretch.
- Dancing to music. [hence the dance party]
- Drawing.
Summer is a great time to brainstorm and practice new rest strategies for during the school year. Once you have your list, you can put it near your work-space.

For the month of August challenge yourself to use one of your rest techniques at least once a day for increments of five minutes. This practice will create muscle memory and add rejuvenation to your day and…your homework.
I’d love to know! What are your favorite ways to rest?
Want accountability for your challenge? Email me! I’d love to know how it’s going.
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