Five Simple Steps to Get in Action!

Welcome back [for those of you who had a break this week]. I know how hard it is to come back to school after a break and wanted to honor that with this video in which I compare going on a bike ride to…studying for finals. What steps do you find helpful? Let me...

One (more) Simple Step to Rock Your Finals!

Dear All,Before the Thanksgiving holiday, I wanted to give you one more simple step that you can do to prepare for Finals. Also, I will be doing a one hour workshop on preparing for finals on Wednesday, December 4th at 6pm. If you can’t make it live, no worries!...

Rock Your Finals!

Rock Your Finals! Rock Your Finals! Workshop includes: how to backwards plan.a list of simple tools and tricks for acing your finals.a template that you can use to make a study...

Thanks, Mom!

The last time my mom came to visit she did my dishes. I wasn’t so happy. She’s coming to visit again this week and I’m really excited because she’s going to help me clean out my closet (she doesn’t know it yet, hee hee!) What’s the...

The Wacky Hair-do

Sooo…this week I talk about how to make sure that you check for assignments that you think you’ve missed…however, I couldn’t help but notice as I reviewed the video that there’s a little piece of hair sticking out, ha! The morning I made...