
In order to provide the very best service to all our clients, we have instituted the following policies:

  • Families receive a one-time complimentary 50-minute Destressify Yourself Session. If cancelled for any reason, the consultation may be rebooked at the regular session fee of $200.

  • Any appointments that are scheduled must be cancelled or rescheduled 48 hours in advance to receive a refund of payment.

  • After the initial 20-minute phone conversation with a parent, phone consultations are prorated at $200 per hour unless otherwise specified in the package purchased.

  • Each session is followed up with notes that are sent to the student and parent (if the student is under the age of 18, or with permission from the student if they are over the age of 18). Beyond these notes, email communication with parents is limited and may be subject to a charge.

  • Once a package has been purchased, payments are non-refundable. Consistency is key to this work and scheduling is challenging. Once a weekly day and time have been set, any appointments must be rescheduled 48 hours in advance.

Thank you for adhering to our policies.

Ready to begin?

Schedule your FREE Destressify Yourself Session with Sarah Weidman today.

Are you ready to destressify your life but have additional questions?

Get in touch with Sarah and begin your student's journey to academic sanity.

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