Is your student’s overwhelm stressing you out and taking over the household?
Are you ready to stop the nagging and have the relationship you want with your teen?
When working with me, your teen will learn skills that can be used the very next day whether it’s note-taking, organization, or breaking down steps for a project.
- Each plan is personalized to each student’s unique skill set and their individual challenges.
- I use a set curriculum in combination with best practices.
Are you naturally organized and therefore baffled by your teens’ inability to just do the work or do you struggle with the same issues as your teen?
Either way, I can help.
My unique approach helps students:
- get better grades
- procrastinate less
- study more efficiently and effectively so that they can rock any test
- organize their assignments and materials
… so that you can stop the nagging and destressify the household. In addition, I coach parents to utilize my services so that you can:
- stop being your teen’s tutor
- set appropriate boundaries; and
- have your life back
I have a unique system that will work for you.
Learning can be fun, school can be stress-less, and you can get your parents off your back!
Do any of these apply to you?
- I am drowning in paperwork and my backpack is a mess.
- I “forget” to do/turn in my homework and have zeros to prove it.
- Studying doesn’t work, or wait; study? What’s that?
- I feel like I have to choose between good grades or a personal life.
- I procrastinate and have a hard time feeling motivated.
- Writing essays drives me crazy and feels really hard.
- I sincerely want to do better, but don’t know how.
- I am simply overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin.
You are not “bad” at school. With the right set of tools it is possible to get the grades you want, finish your homework on time, and have a social life! Learn how to transform your school experience to have more confidence, more focus and less stress.
You will learn to:
- Get and stay organized so you don’t forget an assignment (or a pencil)
- Get your grades up and still have time for fun and friends
- Get your parents off your back
I’m Sarah Weidman and since 2015 I have used a unique system to help students bust through their studying woes and I can’t wait to share it with you!
If you are stressed out about school, let’s chat.